Using technology in digital marketing
Marketing has been known for thousands of years and gained popularity in the late nineteenth century, but it was not an academic subject prior to the twentieth century.
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Technology investment
The great global developments that our world is witnessing at various levels necessitate us being very alert and competing with the world in our technical ideas and innovations in various investments and projects, as we now see a group of young Saudi men and women competing with global investors with their innovations, as many of them have received successful and diverse investment rounds based on technology.
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What is artificial intelligence and how does it work?
It refers to systems or devices that perform tasks by simulating human intelligence and can improve themselves based on the data they collect. Artificial intelligence is more concerned with the ability to think and analyse data than with any specific form or function. The central tenet of AI is to simulate and transcend human perception and interaction with the world around us
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The impact of web design on customer first impressions
With the increased spread of websites and the increased demand for them, competition among them has increased, and it has become necessary to be distinguished in order to leave a great impression and impact on customers and visitors, as the more Your website design is attractive and professional, the more customers trust your products and services.
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