Fish Fash Foodstuff Factory invites its shareholders to the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting.
Date 2022/10/13

Fish Fash Foodstuff Factory invites its shareholders to the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting.

Date 03/07/2022 AD

Clarify item

The Board of Directors of Fish Fash Foodstuff Factory Company is pleased to invite the honorable shareholders to participate and vote in the (extraordinary) general assembly meeting (the first and second meetings one hour after the first), which is scheduled to be held through the means

God willing, at exactly 18:30 pm on Thursday 29/09/2022 AD, corresponding to 03/03/1444 AH. Introduction

At the company's headquarters in Riyadh / using modern technology, the city and venue of the General Assembly

03-03-1444 meeting location link 09-29-2022 corresponds to Date of the General Assembly 18:30 Assembly meeting time for the public

Attendance rate is 54.74274%.

Saud The Chairman of the Council, Mustafa Ibrahim Al-Nujaidi, was present.

Vice Chairman of the Council, Faisal Hamad Aboud Al Hamid, was present.

Najeeb Hamad Al Hamid, managing director, was present.

Member Ibrahim Adel Ibrahim Al-Nujaidi Participated

Walid Ibrahim Suleiman Al-Mahwis Participated

Suleiman Al-Mahwis, Ibrahim Suleiman Member Present and Absent

There are no committees for this meeting.

Names of the committee heads present at the association or their representatives from among its members

1 The amendment to Article (2) of the articles of association of (company name) (attached) was approved.

2 The amendment to Article (3) of the company's articles of association relating to (the company's purpose) was approved (attached)

3 The amendment to Article (12) of the company's articles of association relating to (the register of shareholders) (attached) was approved.

4 The amendment to Article (19) of the company's articles of association relating to (board member remuneration) (attached) was approved.

5 The amendment to Article (29) of the company's articles of association relating to (invitation to assemblies) was approved (attached)

6 It was approved to amend Article (31) of the company's articles of association relating to (Quorum for the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting) (attached).

7 It was approved to amend Article (32) of the company's articles of association relating to (Quorum for the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting) (attached) the results of voting on the assembly's agenda.