for a year 2022
(Minutes of the Transformational Assembly meeting)
The (Transformational) Assembly of Morse Information Technology Holding Company of Morse Information Technology Holding Company (a closed Saudi joint stock company) met in Jeddah on Wednesday 27/8/1443 AH, corresponding to 3/30/2022 AD.
Based on the founders' invitation to the company's shareholders to attend the transformational assembly to discuss the transformational assembly's items.
The transformational assembly met on Wednesday, 27/8/1443 AH, corresponding to 3/30/2022 AD, at the company's headquarters in Jeddah.
At 4:30 p.m., Dr. Fahad Farouk Hakim announced the completion of the quorum required for the validity of the assembly's meeting, where shareholders representing 50,000 shares representing (100%) of the company's total capital of 50,000 shares attended. As a result, the assembly meeting is valid according to Ms. Hadeel Muhammad Al-Youbi was appointed as Secretary of the Assembly and vote-collector, according to the text of Article (62) of the Companies Law. The President of the Assembly then asked the Secretary of the Assembly to recite the items on the agenda. The debate then began. The Assembly President requested that the shareholders to vote on the items on the agenda. As follows:-
1- Confirm that all of the company's shares have been subscribed to and that the minimum amount of capital and the amount due from the value of the shares have been met in accordance with the system's provisions.
2- Approval of the final texts of the articles of association of the company.
3- Appointing members to the first board of directors for a 5-year term
- Fahad Farouk Hakim, M.D. (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
- Fahad Faisal Hakim (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors)
- Sarah Abdulaziz Al-Zahrani (independent board of directors member / secretary)
Al-Mahmadi, Tahani Tawfiq (Managing Member)
4- Appointing Messrs./ Zain Al-Abidin Al-Harbi Company for Professional Consultations (Chartered Accountants) as the company's first auditor for a fee of 23,000 riyals.
5- Acceptance of the costs incurred as a result of the company's transformation.
The meeting concluded at 5:30 p.m., with the president of the association thanking all attendees for their participation and attendance.